Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Enough is enough of this stupid Hate Mongering.

I am utterly incensed at the recent slander attacks by the John McCain campaign against Obama. Not only is he FEEDING the American people fear but he is disrespecting the people he claims to love so much by avoiding the real issues. These are the same techniques that the "Gotcha Media" that he espouses uses to get ratings and I will NOT have it from my next president let a lone a presidential candidate. He is a hypocrite to the truest kind.

McCain is going to get Obama killed by McCain insinuating that Obama is a terrorist and riling up the masses that don't know better and perhaps should. People shouting "KILL OBAMA!" from his speech crowds and "TERRORIST MUST DIE!" And some nut may do it. Obama is a family man who is serving his country and community. Whether you believe in his politics or not, you have to respect his hard work and intent. And he could very well be killed due to John McCain's mud slinging. : Angry Barrage? Have you heard "Kill McCain" at Obama rallies? No, Obama speaks about McCain's character with much repect... though strongly disagreeing with the issues. In addition, Obama has been VERY clear about who he is especially in regards to the actual issues... just read his plan on his website: .

And, only yesterday did McCain start back peddling perhaps realizing what he is doing. TRULY creating Partisanship by creating unrooted hatred among the masses. But is it too late? Will McCain redeem himself and his party? : So scary.

The people DESERVE talking about the issues. You respect us McCain? Then present your views and stop this senseless and illogical muddy campaign. McCain ALSO voted against the Iraq war bill that would give our soldiers more supplies (due to it having a time line), but yet he uses Barack's no vote against him? Some simple fact checking will reveal this, and even when asked point blank, McCain and Palin wheel around the issue and then reaffirm it again! Or run from the media... Are they stupid or just think we are? Because McCain, you are counting on the masses to not look it up! And not see YOUR double speak... Straight Speech Express sure takes a lot of stops and detours.

I am so scared for our future/present where we have not only real terrorists and fear mongers outside of our country but also within. John McCain is the real terrorist.

- Sheila

P.S. I'm sorry but I can maybe understand supporting McCain... or at least I did until the latest developments. But do we really in ANY WAY think Palin is qualified to be second in command. Who is the real Sarah Palin? That's what I want to know. Why don't you finally answer a question?

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