Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Words, Words, Only Words

So I've been reading quite a bit lately... which makes me happy.

Mostly due to me forming a book club and joining another.

Book Club #1

I helped co-found Y.A.W.E.R.S. (Young Adults Who Enjoy Reading Still) with Nina. It's going pretty well. We have 37 members currently. Probably only 10 active ones and so far it seems 6-8 people at a meeting is a good number.

Our first meeting (and only meeting so far) was 11 people but I have a feeling that will be a fluke and already participation has slacked a little. But that's to be expected with any club. Still, I'll probably want to make a flyer to keep the new blood coming as people come and go from the group. Plus in the end small numbers keep the conversations smoother (but not too small!)

Our Facebook Group:

Anywho we have read High Fidelity and our next meeting (next week) will be Running With Scissors. Both angsty books... I will have to do review for what I have read so far.

Just got back from club movie night which I probably would consider a failure if Mike and Audra weren't such good company. It was me, Austin, Mike and Audra. It was fun to watch the movie and we ended up discussing the book afterwards. Totally liked the movie better than the book. Probably in the future I'll try to combine movie viewing with book discussions (if the book has movie) because it really does lead to great threads.

Book Club #2

I joined a SciFi-Fantasy Book Club:

I've been to one meeting (my second will be this week). Nice people, small group, actually the group leader words as UCF as a systems administrator (small world).

Probably can't continue though due to school starting up next week and other priorities. A shame. We'll see how it goes.

So far we have read: The Android's Dream and Empress

The Android's Dream was a fun "romp" but ended satisfyingly.

Empress was just disturbing. And when I get the energy up I want to do a full review. Finished it last night and was damned happy to have gotten it over with. It really got to my head and left me clinging to Austin as 3am. Poor boy. It was a good book but I just couldn't wait for it to be over.

So I suppose that is some of my "Self Betterment" I have been doing this summer.

I started Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris today. So far so good. Surprisingly relatable. It's Y.A.W.E.R.S.' next book.

I am so thirsty its distracting. I've been so sensitive to salt lately.

I need to go get work done.

So I will. Or sleep. Or read?

*sigh* - S

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